Perspectives on impact evaluation: Approaches to Assessing Development Effectiveness

04 June 2009.  

Highlights from the Cairo conference

Invitation to Exhibit

22 February 2009.  

SAMEA is inviting exhibitors for its 2nd Conference, 17 to 21 August 2009.

Call for Workshop Facilitators

22 February 2009.  

SAMEA is calling workshop facilitators for its 2nd Conference, 17 to 21 August, 2009.

SAMEA News Update - 25 June 2008

25 June 2008.  

Seminars, AGM, conference preparations

SAMDI's Launch of the Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Building Programme

02 April 2008.  

Capacity Building for Monitoring and Evaluation Within The South African Government

ILO's New Guidance Standard on Social Responsibilty Seeks Inputs.

28 March 2008.  

Some documents from the South African committee tasked with inputting into the ILO's new guidance standard on social responsibility. Would like comment from people who work in this field as to how useful the standard would be - its not for certification, only for guidance.

SAMEA News Update - 20 March 2008

20 March 2008.  

The latest news from SAMEA hot off Mark Abrahams' (chairperson) desk.

SAMEA News Update - 4 December 2007

07 December 2007.  

A news update from SAMEA's chaiperson, Mark Abrahams, on behalf of the SAMEA board

SAMEA News and Update

23 May 2007.  


Presentations and papers of the SAMEA Conference 28-30 March 2007

22 April 2007.  

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